聯合品牌服裝 下殺1折起
Feb 25th 2014, 23:00
旗下自營複合式精品ARTIFACTS、代理義大利休閒品牌Garcia Jeans和美國高爾夫品牌PGA TOUR等的新光紡織,即日起~2/27舉辦聯合特賣會,男女裝最低1折起,其中PGA TOUR將原價1萬2800元羽絨衣下殺1088元最划算,但限50件,晚到就搶不到了。
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Don't wait in line!
Buy your movie tickets online. Find reviews, trailers, and more at Fandango.  |
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換季童裝 搶買2.5折起
Feb 25th 2014, 23:00
迎接春天換季,童裝品牌全面下殺出清,mothercare即日起~3/2舉辦春季特賣,男女童裝最低2.5折起,不過都是過季商品,尺寸較不齊全;另外,Best Pals也針對旗下ELLE、SNOOPY品牌推出4.8折起特惠,以長袖上衣、長褲為主,想幫家中寶貝添購短袖服飾得耐心挑選。
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Curious about the benefits of meditation?
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愛買推圓仔餐盤 耍萌
Feb 25th 2014, 23:00
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Dog-Lovers' Tees.
Unleash yourself and shop our special collection of tees and accessories for you and your pooch.  |
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Dog-Lovers' Tees.
Unleash yourself and shop our special collection of tees and accessories for you and your pooch.  |
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Dog-Lovers' Tees.
Unleash yourself and shop our special collection of tees and accessories for you and your pooch.  |
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Shop Tervis tumblers.
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Shop Tervis tumblers.
Create a one of a kind personalized gift. It's fun and easy to design!  |
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花瓶發亮了 造型檯燈創意升級實用性
Feb 25th 2014, 11:30

花瓶結合檯燈,家飾擺件更加生活實用,Baccarat法國巴卡拉水晶呼應現代居家的多變風格,推出包括傳統經典的大師花瓶復刻款,以及最暢銷的兩款時尚水晶花瓶,透過水晶切割工藝,讓喜愛花瓶設計的人有不同的選擇。 《詳全文...》
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