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ETtoday 消費新聞
ETtoday.net 線上提供即時新聞,包括政治、財經、社會及國際要聞,以及生活、消費、寵物、新奇、娛樂、運動、旅遊資訊和相關新聞報導。 
Speak Up - Stand Out!

Learn how to be a confident communicator. Transform the way you experience public speaking with this $39 online course taught by Alexa Fischer.
From our sponsors
隋棠配戴Tiffany現身珠寶展 近2億元行頭如女王降臨
Nov 7th 2013, 03:01

隋棠配戴Tiffany現身珠寶展 近2億元行頭如女王降臨
Tiffany年度頂級珠寶展彙集近200件最新珠寶創作,從紐約工坊完成後直接空運來台展出,在發表記者會上,凱渥名模王心恬、Radka等人的展演,除了帶來全新彩鑽系列與有色寶石傑作,做為壓軸現身會的隋棠,穿戴上總值近2億元的華麗鑽石珠寶出席,更是成為全場焦點,也讓她覺得自己仿若被皇冠加冕一般。 《詳全文...》

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批踢踢實業坊 Lifeismoney 板
Many wonderful memories are captured in black and white.

With digital photographs, the art is now in creating black and white images. This course will teach you how to use Photoshop techniques to create beautiful images.
From our sponsors
[問題] 瓦斯煮水貴還是用電煮水貴?
Nov 7th 2013, 10:53, by ifif1026

作者ifif1026 (小咪他爹)

q12080001 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

ETtoday 消費新聞
ETtoday.net 線上提供即時新聞,包括政治、財經、社會及國際要聞,以及生活、消費、寵物、新奇、娛樂、運動、旅遊資訊和相關新聞報導。 
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100 shapes on sale, up to 40%, at Sur La Table!
From our sponsors
愛買好康資訊 大同微波爐會員價1580元
Nov 7th 2013, 02:01

愛買好康資訊 大同微波爐會員價1580元
即日起~11/12(二)愛買好康資訊! 《詳全文...》

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ETtoday 消費新聞
ETtoday.net 線上提供即時新聞,包括政治、財經、社會及國際要聞,以及生活、消費、寵物、新奇、娛樂、運動、旅遊資訊和相關新聞報導。 
Take the Style Quiz

Join JustFab and get one pair of extraordinary shoes or bag every month, handpicked for you by our fashion experts.
From our sponsors
Nov 7th 2013, 02:00

男人心中最痛不外乎是頂上無毛,或是不舉,這兩種都會大減男性雄風,禿頭還可以將頭髮剃光,變成光頭型男,但是不舉是只有親密愛人才知道的事,想讓兩人永遠甜蜜蜜,「性福」可不能少。如果有小弟弟抬不起頭的困擾,不妨先嘗試減肥瘦腰吧! 《詳全文...》

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批踢踢實業坊 Lifeismoney 板
Learn to Play the Ukulele

Make your own music in your own way on the ukulele and have fun doing it. This online course is taught by "Cool Hand Uke." Sign up today for just $25.
From our sponsors
[省錢] 正304的兒童碗
Nov 7th 2013, 09:55, by ericjoyce

作者ericjoyce (風林火山)

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Looking for something light while keeping you safe and comfortable during extended waterside activities?

Shop New Drainmaker Shoe for Men, Women and Kids at Columbia!
From our sponsors
買麗嬰房童裝 抽賞小鴨行程
Nov 7th 2013, 01:07

搶攻周慶商機,麗嬰房旗下open for kids 今年加碼贈好禮,即日起至11月20日凡購買童鞋+當季秋冬童衣,可參加黃色鴨鴨抽抽樂,大獎包括二天一夜台北花園大酒店住宿券+基隆黃色小鴨泡湯之旅、iPad mini 與5000元購物金。

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批踢踢實業坊 Lifeismoney 板
Kindle Book Deals

We find the best deals on best-selling Kindle books for you. Just tell us which genres you love and we'll do the rest. The best part? It's completely free!
From our sponsors
Re: [問題] happygo點數移轉疑問
Nov 7th 2013, 07:58, by jylpig

作者jylpig (\^(@,@)^/ ~ 野豬向前衝!)

q12080001 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

ETtoday 消費新聞
ETtoday.net 線上提供即時新聞,包括政治、財經、社會及國際要聞,以及生活、消費、寵物、新奇、娛樂、運動、旅遊資訊和相關新聞報導。 
Save on Cookie Cutters.

100 shapes on sale, up to 40%, at Sur La Table!
From our sponsors
上架前先經過三道檢驗 大潤發聖誕玩具不黑心! 
Nov 7th 2013, 00:10

上架前先經過三道檢驗 大潤發聖誕玩具不黑心! 
玩具量販下半年向來題材較豐富,大潤發於11月6日起於內湖二店架起3層樓高聖誕樹,天氣尚未完全轉冷就展開聖誕禮物促銷活動,也因為近年兒童玩具的安全與含毒問題備受重視,因此大潤發推出經過三道檢驗關卡合格的嬰幼兒玩具,不僅玩得安心,也能增加親子之間的歡樂。 《詳全文...》

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ETtoday 消費新聞
ETtoday.net 線上提供即時新聞,包括政治、財經、社會及國際要聞,以及生活、消費、寵物、新奇、娛樂、運動、旅遊資訊和相關新聞報導。 
Let the jobs find you

Instantly post your resume to 75+ job sites. You can save 60 hours off your job search.
From our sponsors
女性易有憂鬱情緒 蔡淑臻分享「紓壓撇步」
Nov 6th 2013, 23:00

女性易有憂鬱情緒 蔡淑臻分享「紓壓撇步」
以女性客層居多的藥妝通路,近年來,致力關懷女性議題,從保養、生理至心理層面,都成為健康話題的焦點。屈臣氏今(102年)年啟動「LOVE in HER美麗新女力」公益計畫,關注女性情緒健康,11月6日還特別找來名模蔡淑臻為這項活動代言,而她也大方分享自己的一套減壓撇步。 《詳全文...》

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Eventbrite makes it happen

Create an event and sell tickets online through Eventbrite. It's simple! Sign up and get started today.
From our sponsors
LOCK小醬慶生 滿額現折71元
Nov 6th 2013, 23:00


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Don't wait in line!

Buy your movie tickets online. Find reviews, trailers, and more at Fandango.
From our sponsors
品牌皮夾 包款 特賣390元起
Nov 6th 2013, 23:00

旗下擁有多家品牌的俊嶽家族,11/8~11/17集結Arnold Palmer雨傘牌、大嘴猴Paul Frank、美國職棒大聯盟MLB、比利時Hedgren等品牌,包含長夾、短夾、零錢包與收納包等,全面下殺390元起;另外,美麗華百貨集結多家品牌包款,推出4.8折起促銷,但皮革包款並非都是真皮製作,部份為合成皮,下手前要詢問清楚。

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Don't wait in line!

Buy your movie tickets online. Find reviews, trailers, and more at Fandango.
From our sponsors
超市周年慶 抽15萬元現金
Nov 6th 2013, 23:00



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Explore Cafepress

Name anything in the world, and we'll show you hundreds of products that celebrate it. Or, you can design your own.
From our sponsors
dyson DC57無線吸塵器 吸拖合一、高速集塵
Nov 6th 2013, 18:41
dyson DC57吸塵同時拖地,為現代女性減輕打掃的困擾。

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Dog-Lovers' Tees.

Unleash yourself and shop our special collection of tees and accessories for you and your pooch.
From our sponsors
聲寶新品智慧節能洗衣機 除菌脫臭
Nov 6th 2013, 18:41
聲寶PICO PURE技術率先應用於洗衣機,洗衣同時除菌、脫臭。

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批踢踢實業坊 Lifeismoney 板
Kindle Book Deals

We find the best deals on best-selling Kindle books for you. Just tell us which genres you love and we'll do the rest. The best part? It's completely free!
From our sponsors
[問題] 七分褲
Nov 7th 2013, 02:06, by civicl

作者civicl ()

q12080001 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

批踢踢實業坊 Lifeismoney 板
Kindle Book Deals

We find the best deals on best-selling Kindle books for you. Just tell us which genres you love and we'll do the rest. The best part? It's completely free!
From our sponsors
[情報] 11/6-11/9紅太陽多多綠買一送一
Nov 6th 2013, 23:46, by princess2

作者princess2 (ㄨ迷糊小豫兒ㄨ)

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ETtoday 消費新聞
ETtoday.net 線上提供即時新聞,包括政治、財經、社會及國際要聞,以及生活、消費、寵物、新奇、娛樂、運動、旅遊資訊和相關新聞報導。 
Save on Cookie Cutters.

100 shapes on sale, up to 40%, at Sur La Table!
From our sponsors
Nov 6th 2013, 16:01

全聯一系列的鄉土味的廣告深植人心,以「最便宜」、「在地化」的特色和民眾交陪,不知不覺中也和消費者為鄰15年。隨著企業茁壯,董事長林敏雄不斷推動公益活動,近期更再度發動單車環台送物資,全聯員工耗時8天7夜,將物資送到各個弱勢機構及基金會,希望藉此拋磚引玉,呼籲其他企業加入新活動。 《詳全文...》

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批踢踢實業坊 Lifeismoney 板
Copywriters are the smartest people online

There are two great reasons to become a professional copywriter. Find out today and enroll in this $197 online course.
From our sponsors
[問題] 台北市紙類回收場
Nov 6th 2013, 23:04, by cutiecherry

作者cutiecherry (小櫻桃)

q12080001 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

批踢踢實業坊 Lifeismoney 板
Kindle Book Deals

We find the best deals on best-selling Kindle books for you. Just tell us which genres you love and we'll do the rest. The best part? It's completely free!
From our sponsors
Re: [情報] 悠遊卡小額消費送50元購物金
Nov 6th 2013, 23:32, by mokotao

作者mokotao (拒絕唯命是從)

q12080001 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

批踢踢實業坊 Lifeismoney 板
Kindle Book Deals

We find the best deals on best-selling Kindle books for you. Just tell us which genres you love and we'll do the rest. The best part? It's completely free!
From our sponsors
[情報] WhosCall專業版app免費兌換
Nov 6th 2013, 23:15, by angel800109

作者angel800109 (夏)

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