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ETtoday 消費新聞
ETtoday.net 線上提供即時新聞,包括政治、財經、社會及國際要聞,以及生活、消費、寵物、新奇、娛樂、運動、旅遊資訊和相關新聞報導。 
Save on Cookie Cutters.

100 shapes on sale, up to 40%, at Sur La Table!
From our sponsors
Ford 全新大改款 The All-New Fiesta 預售起跑
Jan 17th 2014, 03:15

Ford 全新大改款 The All-New Fiesta 預售起跑
剛在本月 5 日結束的台北國際新車大展中,Ford車系的 The All-New Fiesta 首度亮相引起矚目之後。福特六和汽車公司今天(1/17)上午宣布,正式推出搭載 1.0 升EcoBoost 渦輪引擎、與 1.5 升 TiVCT 自然進氣汽油引擎雙共計四種款車,入門 1.5 升雅緻型售價新台幣 59.5 萬元、1.5 升時尚型 61.5 萬元、1.5 升運動型 65.5 萬元,與旗艦車 EcoBoost 1.0 升運動型 71.5 萬元,將於農曆新年後將正式銷售;為回應準車主的熱烈洽詢,今天起預 《詳全文...》

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批踢踢實業坊 Lifeismoney 板
Publish Your Book on Kindle

Learn to self-publisher your book on Kindle. Boost your brand and credibility with this step-by-step training course for just $99. Enroll today.
From our sponsors
[情報] 麻將大悶鍋送7-11 35元免費購物金
Jan 17th 2014, 10:50, by z142434

作者z142434 (zzz)

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批踢踢實業坊 Lifeismoney 板
Need to buy a car, but dread talking to car salesmen?

Fear no more! Enroll in this online course and learn how to effectively and confidently negotiate a great deal, saving you thousands!
From our sponsors
Re: [情報] Y購買HP印表機1102W送500金+登錄賺500卷
Jan 17th 2014, 10:56, by operatorm

作者operatorm (mijang)

q12080001 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Selling event tickets?

Ticket Cake is the easiest way to sell more tickets online. They will help market & make sure your events are reaching their potential. Get started now.
From our sponsors
搶年菜商機 遠百推伴手禮
Jan 17th 2014, 01:38

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How to Make, Market, and Sell eBooks

Essential and free e-publishing methods to market ebooks at major retailers and personal sites/blogs. Sign up for this online course for just $29.
From our sponsors
靜岡花菇蘿蔔糕 COSTCO限量特價
Jan 17th 2014, 01:38


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批踢踢實業坊 Lifeismoney 板
Need to buy a car, but dread talking to car salesmen?

Fear no more! Enroll in this online course and learn how to effectively and confidently negotiate a great deal, saving you thousands!
From our sponsors
Re: [情報] Line免費代幣
Jan 17th 2014, 10:10, by cokelon

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

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ETtoday 消費新聞
ETtoday.net 線上提供即時新聞,包括政治、財經、社會及國際要聞,以及生活、消費、寵物、新奇、娛樂、運動、旅遊資訊和相關新聞報導。 
The Next Generation in Online Meetings

GoTo Webinar is a new, affordable, do-it-yourself Web event service that doesn’t require a consultant. Get $10 off after your complimentary trial.
From our sponsors
iBeauty/錯誤的豐胸偏方 小心胸部長不大反而縮水
Jan 17th 2014, 02:00

iBeauty/錯誤的豐胸偏方 小心胸部長不大反而縮水
又快到了歲末年終,女性們為了讓自己在新年有新氣象,很多人都選在這段期間去整形門診打理門面。所以這段期間到整形門診諮詢的人也增加許多,而通常最多人諮詢的項目都是微整形以及抽脂豐胸,可是有很多人卻是利用一些網路上流傳的豐胸偏方,但要小心豐胸不成反而產生一些無法預估的後遺症。 《詳全文...》

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ETtoday 消費新聞
ETtoday.net 線上提供即時新聞,包括政治、財經、社會及國際要聞,以及生活、消費、寵物、新奇、娛樂、運動、旅遊資訊和相關新聞報導。 
Speak Up - Stand Out!

Learn how to be a confident communicator. Transform the way you experience public speaking with this $39 online course taught by Alexa Fischer.
From our sponsors
土耳其藍打造「開運彩妝」 事業、愛情、金錢一次掌握
Jan 17th 2014, 01:28

土耳其藍打造「開運彩妝」 事業、愛情、金錢一次掌握
新春新氣象,運用妝容來為自己開運加分吧!擁有9年化妝資歷的Paul & Joe彩妝師Cynthia就指出,開運妝容重點可以放在「頰彩」,運用蓬鬆感的大面積暈染,讓蘋果肌看起來飽滿豐潤,呈現出容光煥發的感覺,另外,眼妝部分可以透過亮色系眼影搭配圓弧型眼線,創造出個性又帶柔美的眼妝。 《詳全文...》

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ETtoday 消費新聞
ETtoday.net 線上提供即時新聞,包括政治、財經、社會及國際要聞,以及生活、消費、寵物、新奇、娛樂、運動、旅遊資訊和相關新聞報導。 
Startup Hiring: How to Hire the Best People

Attract and retain the best people. 7 lectures from top founders and CEO's about how to hire for your startup! Sign up for $19.
From our sponsors
皇家哥本哈根手繪名瓷 正貨特賣38折起
Jan 17th 2014, 01:00

皇家哥本哈根手繪名瓷 正貨特賣38折起
丹麥皇家哥本哈根手繪名瓷首次推出年度正貨特賣會,分別於1月17、18日及1月21、22日兩時段展開,旗下絕版品、精選outlet特惠38折起,像是雙影藍花盤21cm、公主藍半月型造型盤21.5cm,特價900~1,525元不等;大唐草系列13cm缽、馬克杯和平邊唐草系列早餐杯、22cm與27cm盤,特價1,560~2,500元不等。 《詳全文...》

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Looking for something light while keeping you safe and comfortable during extended waterside activities?

Shop New Drainmaker Shoe for Men, Women and Kids at Columbia!
From our sponsors
百貨福袋大戰 抽轎車、摸金條
Jan 16th 2014, 18:51


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2013 Ski and Snowboard gear is on sale now.

Get ready for Spring with new arrivals and wake gear. Shop today.
From our sponsors
大江購物 消費滿3千送300
Jan 16th 2014, 18:51


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批踢踢實業坊 Lifeismoney 板
Microsoft Excel 2010 Training Course

Beginner / Intermediate self-paced online course of Microsoft's spreadsheet application. Enroll for just $99.
From our sponsors
[情報] 免費拿摩斯熱咖啡一杯
Jan 17th 2014, 06:17, by pacococo

作者pacococo (帕可可)

q12080001 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Curious about the benefits of meditation?

In just a few minutes daily, this course will teach you how to relax and relieve stress. Even with a full schedule, you will want to make time for this!
From our sponsors
品牌童裝 血拼3.8折起
Jan 16th 2014, 23:00

AI MI LI(艾蜜莉)親子童裝當季新衣倒數出清,包括諾貝達、粉紅娜娜等,下殺3.8折起,但部份款式尺碼不齊採買前要注意。

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Selling event tickets?

Ticket Cake is the easiest way to sell more tickets online. They will help market & make sure your events are reaching their potential. Get started now.
From our sponsors
品牌餐瓷 下殺3.8折起
Jan 16th 2014, 23:00

丹麥皇家哥本哈根手繪名瓷舉辦年度特賣,即日起至1/18各式瓷盤、瓷杯特惠3.8折起,熱銷的棕櫚唐草、平邊唐草系列全面下殺,但特賣活動只有兩天,且部分商品有限量;另外,本土家飾品牌Tone 40即日起至1/25也有多款陶瓷餐具促銷,但商品折扣較少。

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More Tickets. Better Service. Lower Prices.

Buy or sell tickets for concerts, sports, or theater. You'll find a huge and affordable selection at Ticket Liquidator!
From our sponsors
國產鞋款 廠拍390元起
Jan 16th 2014, 23:00


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User Engagement Metrics

10 User Engagement Metrics Everyone Can Use: Start measuring your engagement today with free tools, step-by-step guidance & benchmark data for each metric!
From our sponsors
過年送雞精 怎麼選有學問
Jan 16th 2014, 18:51

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Are you an App Developer?

Win $45,000 by publishing your iOS or Android App! Visit Chupamobile
From our sponsors
全家集點活動 6款Rody魔法筆
Jan 16th 2014, 18:51

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Learning HTML & CSS shouldn't be difficult.

Master Trainer, Mark Lassoff, will teach you everything you need to know to create a creative and professional web site in 4 hours.
From our sponsors
京華城家電 5百件5折起
Jan 16th 2014, 18:51

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Kindle Book Deals

We find the best deals on best-selling Kindle books for you. Just tell us which genres you love and we'll do the rest. The best part? It's completely free!
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羽絨被漲聲響 羊毛、化纖竄出頭
Jan 16th 2014, 18:51

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Copywriters are the smartest people online

There are two great reasons to become a professional copywriter. Find out today and enroll in this $197 online course.
From our sponsors
Jan 16th 2014, 18:51

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